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  • Mobile-friendly menu blocks

    Do you know the official Help Guides of Invision Community? They are helpful, but they have one big drawback. Have you ever tried to read them on your phone? Especially navigating through them? It's "a bit" a pain. A long navigation menu appears on each page above the content, no next/previous links. It is not really user-friendly.

    Interestingly, Invision Community has a wonderful feature that allows you to build mobile-friendly menus. FX Page uses this feature. No more long list of menu items. The menu collapses on the cell phone and placed above the content (if you swap the sidebar to the left).

    Menu collapsed on mobile

    And it is placed below the content if the sidebar is on the right. 

    Tip: If you would like to have a sidebar on the right and menu still above the content, then place the menu block twice on your page. The first one above the content setting the visibility of the block for phones only. The second block as usual in the sidebar with visibility for desktop and tablet only.

    Tap the menu on mobile, and it expands for easy navigation:

    Tap to expand menu

    It's fancy and convenient.

    Why doesn't Invision Community use this feature for their own help guides? I guess that the help guides were created long before mobile-friendly features. And now this is just how it is. Who knows?

    Anyway, with FX Pages you don't have to be afraid of long menus.

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