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  • Customization

    Language strings and translation

    Strings like Was it helpful?, Go to Website and so on are translatable. You can find them in language section in your ACP. 

    Change language strings and translate

    You can filter by app in the language translation section to display all strings that belong to FX Pages.

    HTML, CSS and JS

    If you are a designer and would like to customize FX Pages, you can do it in AdminCP.

    There are some things, you should know before you start to customize. 

    • HTML templates delivered with FX Pages become updated. You will see a diff screen on every update to review the changes. However, you will not be able to merge your custom changes with those coming with the update. That said, if you are going to heavily customize FX Pages templates, then rename HTML Templates first. Renamed templates will not be updated, so you are not going to lose any changes.
    • Block templates will be updated as well. If you would like to customize them, create your own templates or check Use as a base for custom template in block settings.
    • CSS and JS files will be updated silently! You will not see any difference screens for these files. If you would like to keep your CSS and JS changes, then create your own CSS and JS files and include them into the page. This way you will keep your changes, while the original files are updated.

    Database fields

    FX Pages rely on the template keys of the fields. To ensure the extended functionality, like auto-filled fields, summary, shortened title, and so on, do not change the template keys of the existing fields.

    Template key for the field

    Settings for database, fields, permissions, category and records data are not touched during the update. You are free to create new fields and categories in your databases. 

    Some templates may miss functionality like rating, reactions, number of views and so on. If you miss any default functionality, drop a line into forum to include it in the next release of FX Pages.



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