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Membership Pruning App?

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Does anyone know of a good app/plugin for membership pruning? Such as delete all pending validation or to prune/delete all members meeting “x” criteria. I’ve had hundreds of spammers register recently and I just want to delete all registrations within a certain timeframe and that meet other criteria so I can catch up on a lot of old spam registrations as well.

TL;dr: My invision community hasn't been updated (until today) since the marketplace closure, so I'm going through and finding the apps I want to keep and finding replacements for those no longer being supported, etc.

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Thanks for that. I am still running version 4 for now, a lot of prep work to do before we can up to 5. Do you know of any for 4? I'll check out Invisioneer. Invision really took a hit in my opinion when they got rid of their centralized marketplace. Even before they had the paid subscription feature, they at least had all the links there. 

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You're welcome. If you want to upgrade to v5 soon anyway, I would definitely advise against installing new plugins for v4 now.

4 hours ago, Ryan M said:

they at least had all the links there. 

There's a good thing about that, too. There were a lot of things in the old Marketplace that haven't been supported anymore because the developers quit over the years.

The developers who are still active today are now all at Invisioneer. So you are more likely to have the extensions there that also have a future.

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