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  • Image caption

    FX Pages helps you to improve SEO and accessibility while adding images to the content. 

    Whenever you add an image to the content, you should always fill out an Image Title of the image. This title is used for many purposes:

    • The text is accessed by screen reader users to provide them with a text equivalent of images
    • In browsers, the Image Title is displayed when an image is broken, or when all images have been disabled
    • Image Title also allows search engine crawlers to index an image correctly

    After adding an image into your content, double-click on it. Fill out the field Image Title and click Update.

    Image title in editor

    You will not see any changes while you edit the content. However, this image title will be automatically displayed below the image, when you save the entire content.

    I like the function, especially because it shows me clearly where I have forgotten the image description. If I don't enter anything, then the (often ugly) file name is used for it.

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